6So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, 7rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.
2: 6-7 New life in Christ starts and continues when we acknowledge him as leader over all we are and do. Then we must accept his leadership daily by being rooted, built up, and strengthened in the faith. Christ wants to guide us and help us with all our decisions and challenges. You can live for Christ by (1) committing your life and submitting your will to him (Romans 12: 1-2); (2) seeking to learn from him and more about him, his life, and his teachings (Colossians 3: 16); and (3) recognizing and utilizing the Holy Spirit’s power within you (Acts 1: 8; Galatians 5: 22).
2: 7 Paul uses the illustration of our being rooted in Christ. Just as plants draw nourishment from the soil through their roots, we draw our life-giving strength from Christ. The more we draw our strength from him, the less we will be fooled or entangled by those who falsely claim to have life’s answers apart from Christ.Tyndale. NIV Life Application Study Bible.
ON THE WAY HOME WALK WITH JESUS continuing your walk with CHRIST ROOTED in his love and strength. by RICHARD DEAN BROOKS