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2Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. 3And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains. 4Pray that I may proclaim it clearly, as I should.

4: 2   Have you ever grown tired of praying for something or someone? Paul says we should devote ourselves to prayer and be watchful in prayer. Our persistence in prayer expresses our faith that God answers prayer. Faith shouldn’t fade if the answers come slowly, for the delay may be God’s way of working out his will in our lives. When you feel tired of praying, remember that God sees you, knows what you need, always listens, and wants to do a great work through you. He will always answer you— maybe not in ways you expect, but in ways that he knows are best.

4: 3   The “mystery of Christ” is Christ’s Good News of salvation, the gospel. The whole focus of Paul’s life was to tell others about Christ, explaining and preaching this wonderful mystery.

4: 4   Paul asked for prayer that he would proclaim the Good News about Christ clearly, and we can request prayer— and pray ourselves— that we might do the same. Paul was in chains, so he couldn’t travel or preach from prison. But he still shared the Good News with his guards, and he wrote letters of encouragement to the churches. We may not preach or write theological treatises like Paul, but we can use other ways to share God’s love, like befriending neighbors, greeting new people at church, and sharing meals with non-Christian friends. Often we make it too difficult on ourselves when we think of sharing our faith. Begin with an easy question: “What’s your name?” “How was your day?” “Can I help you with that?” Then listen for answers that reveal more about the person’s needs than the surface answer to your question. As you show how you care, he or she may become open to a conversation about what you believe and why. Pray now that God will bring people into your life who will be interested in knowing more about Jesus.Tyndale. NIV Life Application Study Bible.

ON THE WAY HOME WALK WITH JESUS and he will show you how to tell others about his grace and mercy he shows to all who come to him and repent and ask forgiveness! by RICHARD DEAN BROOKS

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