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  • Writer's pictureRICHARD DEAN BROOKS


PROVERBS 12:13-15

13Evildoers are trapped by their sinful talk,and so the innocent escape trouble.14From the fruit of their lips people are filled with good things, and the work of their hands brings them reward.15The way of fools seems right to them,but the wise listen to advice.

12: 13   Evil people twist the facts to support their claims. Those who do this are likely to be trapped by their own lies. But for those who always tell the truth, the facts— plain and unvarnished— give an unshakable defense. Living by the truth leads to a life of confidence and peace.

Tyndale. NIV Life Application Study Bible

ON THE WAY HOME WALK WITH JESUS and make sure that you are always telling the truth about EVERTHING so that we can have a life of peace and confidence that we are living a right life!! by RICHARD DEAN BROOKS

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