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  • Writer's pictureRICHARD DEAN BROOKS



28Do not move an ancient boundary stone set up by your ancestors.

22: 28   In Joshua 13– 21, the Promised Land was divided and boundaries were marked out for each tribe. Moses had already warned the people that when they reached the Promised Land they shouldn’t cheat their neighbors by moving landmarks that served as boundary markers, giving themselves more land and their neighbors less.

Tyndale. NIV Life Application Study Bible

I know this may be a old example of cheating. But we should take it in anything we can do that would alter an outcome more to our advantage than someone elses. In other words, be fair and don't cheat someone to make it better for yourself, even if they might never find out!!

ON THE WAY HOME WALK WITH JESUS and make sure we never cheat anyone, for any reason!! By Richard Dean Brooks

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