LUKE 6:35-36
35: But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great, and you will be children of the Most High, because he is kind to the ungrateful and wicked. 36Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.
6:35-36 The Jews despised the Romans because they oppressed God’s people, but Jesus told the people to love these enemies. Such words turned many away from Christ. Jesus wasn’t talking about having affection for enemies; he was talking about an act of the will. You can’t “fall into” this kind of love—it takes conscious effort. Loving our enemies means acting in their best interests. We can pray for them, and we can think of ways to help them. Jesus loves the whole world, even though the world is in rebellion against God. Jesus asks us to follow his example by loving our enemies. Grant your enemies the same respect and rights as you desire for yourself. Life Application Study Bible NIV.
OOOKK here is a subject we can all relate to. The government right now is in such opposition to GOD and they don’t care who sees it. It seems that everything they are doing is anti-christ. From taking God out of everything to abortion, even sexual immorality is being accepted and even they are trying and in some cases teaching our children it is all ok. They are even trying to destroy the sacred marriage vow and Family by destroying Gods making of 2 sexes!!!! SOOOO what do we do??? WE PRAY BECAUSE GOD IS IN CONTROL!!!!!! HE WAS, IS, AND ALWAYS WILL BE IN CONTROL!!!! We as Christians have to know this, or where is our FAITH????? We also need to pray more for Gods will to be done!!!!! IF we read and know our BIBLE then we should be able to see that things probably are gonna get a lot worse before JESUS comes back. And prophesy is unfolding right before our eyes. AND I DON”T mean to be a KILLJOY but GOD is going to allow things to continue to get worse just as the BIBLE says it will before JESUS return. SO our prayers for protection are all needed for our believers and people of the church. SO why don’t we spend MORE time praying that HIS will be done and JESUS to come back and take us out of this evil mess the world is heading for!!! Spend more time telling every soul that will listen that JESUS is coming back AND HE IS THE ONLY way OF salvation FROM THE EVIL WORLD WE LIVE IN. YET all the while praying that GOD would allow us and our actions to influence our ENEMIES to become his children too. ON THE WAY HOME WALK WITH JESUS praying that even our enemies would come to know JESUS CHRIST and become children of GOD!!!!!!