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Psalm 4:3

3 Know that the LORD has set apart his faithful servant for himself;

the LORD hears when I call to him.

How often do we pray and we think because of our lack of being able to live in God’s ways and Holy standards and maybe our lack of seeing prayers answered, do we think He doesn’t hear us? Once we accept Jesus as our savior, He hears all our prayers. He knows all our needs and our wants. But God is not a magician or someone we turn to when we want something. He answers prayer in His time and will, so that He will get the glory. When we doubt that He hears or answers us, we show our lack of faith. Sometimes it’s not easy to wait on wants. But God is always right on time and always in the right place if we stay faithful. And many times, He gives us things we want when we don’t ask. Remember to stay faithful and always give thanks for our daily lives and know that God knows what is best for us in our lives and only wants the best for us to bring glory to His name.

ON THE WAY HOME WALK WITH JESUS and know he always hears when we call on him. by RICHARD DEAN BROOKS

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