1st Chronicles 16:34
34Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; His love endures forever.
Do we stop and think that if it wasn"t for our LORD and SAVIOR there would be NO Thankgiving?? Only the Blood of Jesus Christ and his Grace and Mercy is what allows us to be able to Celebrate this day. A day that was started as a Nation Founded on GOD!!!
So lets all pray today that we will STOP and say our special thanks to GOD for our lives and the food that he has so GRACIOUSLY given us and our lives of forgiven sins, and that this nation WILL turn from there sins and come back to a life full of JESUS CHRIST!!
ON THE WAY HOME WALK WITH JESUS knowing he was the original creator and founder of the world and this UNITED STATES!!
Thank you all and have a great day with family and friends.