Romans 8:5-8
5: Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. 6: The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace. 7: The mind governed by the flesh is hostile to God; it does not submit to God’s law, nor can it do so. 8 Those who are in the realm of the flesh cannot please God.
8:5-6 Paul divides people into two categories: those who are dominated by their sinful nature, and those who are controlled by the Holy Spirit. All of us would be in the first category if Jesus hadn’t offered us a way out. Once we have said yes to Jesus, we will want to continue following him, because his way brings life and peace. Daily we must consciously choose to center our life on God. Use the Bible to discover God’s guidelines, and then follow them. In every perplexing situation, ask yourself, “What would Jesus want me to do?” When the Holy Spirit points out what is right, do it eagerly. For more on our sinful nature versus our new life in Christ, see 6:6-8; Ephesians 4:22-24; Colossians 3:3-15. Tyndale. Life Application Study Bible NIV.
ON THE WAY HOME WALK WITH JESUS and make sure your life is lived through spirit not the sinful nature. by RICHARD DEAN BROOKS