8Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable if anything is excellent or praiseworthy think about such things.
9Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me put it into practice.And the God of peace will be with you.
Ok paul is telling us to put these things he has shown and told us about to put them into practice. And if we do the GOD of peace will be with us. And it really isnt hard to do these things in our daily lives. And if we have JESUS in our hearts and minds it is really easy to do, just continue to do these things!!!
4: 8  What we put into our minds determines what comes out in our words, desires, and actions. Paul tells us to train our minds to focus on thoughts that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy. Do you have problems with impure thoughts and daydreams? Examine what you are putting into your mind through movies, the Internet, books, conversations, television, video games, and magazines. Replace harmful input with wholesome material. Above all, read God’s Word and pray. Ask God to help you fill your mind with good and pure thoughts. This takes practice, but it can be done.
4: 9  It’s not enough to hear or read the Word of God or even to know it well. We must also put what God is teaching us into practice. How easy it is to listen to a sermon and forget what the preacher said. How easy it is to read the Bible and not think about how to live differently. How easy it is to debate what a passage means and not live out that meaning. Exposure to God’s Word is not enough. It must lead to obedience.Tyndale. NIV Life Application Study Bible
ON THE WAY HOME WALK WITH JESUS and put into practice the things we learn from Pauls examples that he is writing about!!
onthewayhomeministries.org by RICHARD DEAN BROOKS