PROVERBS 3:11-15
11My son, do not despise the LORD’s discipline,and do not resent his rebuke,12because the LORD disciplines those he loves,as a father the son he delights in.13Blessed are those who find wisdom,those who gain understanding,14for she is more profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold.15She is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare with her.
3: 11-12 To discipline means to teach and to train. The idea of discipline feels negative to many because some of the discipline they received growing up wasn’t given by a loving person. God, however, is the source of all love. He doesn’t punish us because he enjoys inflicting pain but because he is deeply concerned about our growth in him and wants us to develop in character and maturity. He knows that for us to become people of spiritual strength and integrity, we must discern between good and evil. His loving discipline enables us to do just that.
3: 11-12 Sometimes we can’t know when God has been disciplining us until we look back on the situation later. Not every calamity that happens to us comes directly from God, of course. But if we rebel against God and refuse to repent when he has identified some sin in our lives, he may allow guilt, crises, or bad experiences to bring us back to him. Sometimes, however, difficult times come even when we have no flagrant sin. Then, our response should be patience, remembering that God loves us, and confidence that he will show us what to do.
Tyndale. NIV Life Application Study Bible.
ON THE WAY HOME WALK WITH JESUS and as we grow in wisdom, know that our discipline must continue as we gain the knowledge of being wise through our trials and mistakes.
onthewayhomeministries.org by RICHARD DEAN BROOKS